Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Collection of PKD and PKD-Related Tweets
Philip K. Dick and the alchemists
Recently unearthed/Rare Philip K. Dick Interview, Santa Ana 1979
"[Bruno] rejected hylomorphism in favor of a monism in which the universal, infinite, and eternal substance was identical with God+nature."
Giordano Bruno in Paul Oscar Kristeller's Eight Philosophers of the Italian Renaissance
Giordano Bruno, His Life and Thought, with an annoted translation of his Infinity of Worlds Dorothea Singer
RT @19thC4d: @t3dy did 20thC theosophical writers get the hots for bruno? did dick read these? they were all over neoplatonists in the l ...
@19thC4d I don't know if Dick read much post-HPB theosophy, doesn't seem like it. Of course he was big into the theosophy of Boehme.
Gatti: One of the most original aspects of Coleridge's interest in Bruno regarded his dialectic.
Where did Philip K. Dick get his ideas about Giordano Bruno? (under construction, would appreciate any leads)
Giordano Bruno as supplement to Deleuze
Ballard: The task of the arts seems more and more to be that of isolating the few elements of reality from this mélange of fictions, ...
...not some metaphorical “reality”, but simply the basic elements of cognition and posture that are the jigs and props of our consciousness.
"Crazy or not, whatever it is that has gone wrong with you, you are one of a kind. […] This is not an ordinary kind of insanity." PKD/Flow
Umberto Rossi on Philip K. Dick's prose
@Ballardian tribute to Philip K. Dick's 80th birthday
What Philip K. Dick learned about women from Ursula K. Le Guin
"It’s not a book that reads like a narrative. It doesn’t get anywhere. It’s an endless meditation on existence." J.Lethem on PKD's Exegesis
"There are lyrical flights in it where suddenly it becomes visionary, it becomes literary+you see the writer taking over+the language soars"
Philip K. Dick: The Exegesis Never Ended Lethem on Exegesis An Appreciation
Philip K. Dick, The Most Brilliant SF Mind on Any Planet 1974 Rolling Stone article by Paul Williams
PKD: [3:33] I am exoterically disseminating a very (normally) esoteric world view!
PKD: [19:2] We are in a "Palmer Eldritch no-real-elapsed-time-passage" spurious world, which is why for us the Kingdom hasn't come.
"It is as if the immune system has failed to detect an invader, a pathenogen (shades of William Burroughs: a criminal virus!)." PKD/Exegesis
RT @aureliomadrid: eriugena (part of the) periphyseon PDF @t3dy
Philip K. Dick's Gnostic UFOlogy twitter conversation with Metcalfe+Southwell on PKD+UFOs
[21:44] Meanwhile, the Empire continues; it never ended. Orthodox Christianity is a form which the Empire takes." -Philip K. Dick, Exegesis
"I restore Gnostic gnosis to the world in a trashy form, like in Ubik." -Philip K. Dick, Exegesis
Today is the 40th anniversary of Philip K. Dick's notorious break-in. Was it the FBI, local drug dealers, Soviets, or did PKD bomb himself?
Erik Davis interviews Pamela Jackson on PKD Exegesis "VALIS, visionary glimpses, and the spiritual practice of writing"
Lethem on Philip K Dick in Orange County:"a period where he seems less grounded in place...very strong alienation from any real environment"
I think it's wise for Philip K. Dick interpreters to attempt to avoid using the word "reality" as much as is possible.
Philip K. Dick: A 'plastic' paradox lots of quotes from PKD family members, and PKD scholars
@Giania Okay, I'll bite. A spammer that just attached itself has the word "Wub" in the title, and I've been thinking a bit about PKD's Wub.
"Whether it was real or imagined, it was important to his life because it really mellowed him out." -David Gill on PKD's Exegesis
A baffling work from Philip K. Dick discussed at ALOUD
Lethem on PKD: "It's as if the novels themselves were visions. He was preparing to be the writer of the Exegesis from the very beginning."
Frank Hollander's index to scholarly annotations of PKD's Exegesis(notes by Jeff Kripal, Erik Davis, D.Gill, McKee etc)
Paracelsus Celebration website by Allen Debus, dean of alchemical studies in the history of science
Aleph (if anybody has good images of important words for PKD-Logos study please get them to me)
RT @Lyndon_M: "I searched for God and found only myself. I searched for myself and found only God." - Sufi Proverb
Zurich Paracelsus Project
I have been thinking about Jonathan Lethem's claim (it was JL iirc) that VALIS shouldn't be considered a trilogy. I see three theo-trilogies
PKD's second theological trilogy consists of some of his darkest novels: Flow My Tears, A Scanner Darkly, Maze of Death. VALIS is the third.
PKD's first theological trilogy? compare Mercer in Androids, Runciter in Ubik, and Palmer Eldritch in Three Stigmata
Ficino and Neoplatonic Theories of Language James Bono, The Word of God and the Languages of Man
"The inner nature of everything may therefore be known through Magic in general, and through the powers of the inner (or second) sight." -Paracelsus
"[Alchemy] is like unto death, which separates the eternal from the mortal, so that it should properly be known as the death of things." -Paracelsus
Paracelsus on inner seeing
“Just as outer seeing is suited to the farmer, inner seeing, which is secret seeing, is suited to the physician." -Paracelsus
Paracelsus "was the first to imagine that the body worked like an alchemical laboratory+that it was chemical in nature"
"... also I have to some extent formulated my own system (as Bruno did). I have seen God but it was not." -Philip K. Dick
P.K. Dick: [Exegesis 3:50] Inner space (of Paracelsus) is perhaps the key as to how the immortal man can be transtemporal and transpersonal.
"Obviously I'll be either going Borges one better or parodying him—either will do." -Philip K. Dick on his unfinished Owl in Daylight novel
RT @davidbmetcalfe: Philip K. Dick's Gnostic UFOlogy via @t3dy
Philip K. Dick's theory of time and alchemical music "Beethoven expanded the hologram" cc @kimcascone
Kripal vs. Philip K. Dick as Postmodernist
"The idea of God as a constantly evolving dialectic is perhaps Dick's most intriguing theological proposition" Gabriel McKee in the Exegesis
Yancy likes people to take a spiritual view of matters..." #PKD
RT @palmer_eldritch: DailyDick-'If this were a police state…there'd
be some kind of resistance movement.' #PKD
RT @Hal_Duncan: I do hope the delivery guy who brings my PKD exegesis
is wearing an ichthys pendant. That would be neat.
RT @palmer_eldritch: DailyDick-'I may be the start of something promising: an early and incomplete explorer. It may not end with me.' ht
RT @palmer_eldritch: DailyDick-'What's got to be gotten over is the false idea that a hallucination is a private matter.' ...
RT @palmer_eldritch: In homage to the great man, I shall read PKD's Exegesis all night, then go to work in the morning where I shall hav ...
RT @palmer_eldritch: DailyDick-'I sure have odd nights.' #PKD #exegesis
RT @palmer_eldritch: DailyDick-'I'm always pre-cog, a little.' #PKD #Exegesis
RT @palmer_eldritch: DailyDick-'There's nothing more foolish than economic competition.' #PKD
RT @davidbmetcalfe: @t3dy btw, thanks for encouraging me to pick up the exegesis, just a bit of skimming has already been quite inspirat ...
@davidbmetcalfe Glad to hear it! I've been absolutely riveted. Don't understand why so many readers complain about it. Such good writing!
@wwjimd @Giania @Horse_ebooks there's a ton of weird, difficult stuff in PKD's Exegesis influenced by information theory + computer science.
@davidbmetcalfe PKD's Zebra erasing our memory whenever we figure out it exists.
Philip K. Dick's Dante Model
notes on Jung's influence on PKD's religious ideas (links, scholarly exerpt, preview of where I'm going with PKD+Jung)
Notes on the influence of C.G. Jung on Philip K. Dick by Frank Bertrand #Psychology #SF #PKD
Paracelsus on the Unconscious
"Resolute imagination is the beginning of all magical operations." [attributed to?] Paracelsus
Philosophy of Religious Experience Philip K. Dick: The Gnostic Christ resembles UFO sightings cc @davidbmetcalfe @cultauthor
"Kripal: way for parapsychologists to test+experiment on aspects of paranormal experiences." via @davidbmetcalfe
RT @davidbmetcalfe: Rice prof speaks on paranormal, consciousness inlecture RT @davidbmetcalfe: A Conversation about Philip K. Dick & UFOlogy/Channeling with @t3dy and @cultauthor
RT @cultauthor: @t3dy Which makes perfect sense when part of your vision is that antiquity never ended.
RT @davidbmetcalfe: @joeysavitz @t3dy Walmart on Sunday, hanging at the food court, reading some Exegesis, seems perfect. : )
@davidbmetcalfe @JoeySavitz or while walking down the aisles
RT @davidbmetcalfe: @JoeySavitz @t3dy that would be great, read the entire thing in a rented room at walmart
Philip K. Dick covers illustrating religious themes visualizing angelic visionary experiences
Philip K. Dick on Language Virus in Exegesis he writes "what William Burroughs discovered but interpreted differently"
Jeffrey Kripal argues reading and writing are the privileged modes of mystical life for Philip K. Dick writing=ASC tech
@davidbmetcalfe @JoeySavitz visiting places like Walmart is the quintessential phildickian initiation.
RT @davidbmetcalfe: Dan Merkur on Active Imagination in Paracelsus via @t3dy
Dick was a pioneer in thinking that the classic mystics of antiquity and the middle ages explained his own paranormal/ASC experiences.
@davidbmetcalfe @joeysavitz I dunno, but pound for pound it's got a ton more Christian philosophy+true believer Christology than most xt.bks
Dick's "world as word/info" was a big influence on Terence McKenna who said things like "reality is made of language"
@JosephMagnuson Unfortunately Dick wrote before the flowering of theurgy scholarship. I hope to apply Gregory Shaw's Iamblichus to PKD magic
@JosephMagnuson Sometimes Dick was convinced that he had gotten into the authentic pre-Christian Neoplatonist religious experience...theurgy
@JosephMagnuson elsewhere he talks about "the gods" in plural, even says something about magic being about seeing or getting their attention
@EPButler So Dick would have found in Cornford detailed introductory-level commentary on the Timaeus, perhaps the dialogue he was most into.
@JosephMagnuson In one place he writes "through [or past] the angels" which sounds more like yr "go through the angels to be able to steal."
RT @JosephMagnuson: @t3dy ...or did he have to go through the angels to be able to steal it??? Thanks for the links...
@EPButler Dick was big into Cornford's study of the Timaeus.
RT @EPButler: @t3dy Cf. #Plato Timaeus, in which one God (the Demiurge) discerns in the beauty of another (the Intelligible Animal) a co
yesterday's Conversation about Philip K. Dick and UFOlogy/Channeling with @davidbmetcalfe and @cultauthor grist 4 mill.
Philip K. Dick found confirmation for his theories (as well as inspiration/visionary resonance) in "every Pythagorean."
PKD sometimes thought of his "gnostic message" as a "secret stolen through the angels" Does he mean *from* the angels?
Philip K. Dick's interpretation of Torah in Kabbalah filtered through his own vision/theory of "Bible as Information."
Philip K. Dick on his "Zebra Principle" the universe is alive but we don't see it because we're in it
Jeffrey Kripal explains why Philip K. Dick was not a postmodernist He believed he got gnostic invasion from an outside!
Quotes from Philip Dick's Exegesis on Kabbalah the Jewish/Kabbalistic concept of Torah became a key to his experiences
Aquinas was able to reconcile the diversity of ideas with God’s simplicity. The solution involves viewing ideas as nonbeings relative to God
"Divine ideas are exemplar causes in the likeness of which God produces creatures. Ideas belong to God’s practical knowledge." review/Doolan
"Am I saying that the basis of reality is words? ... Ideas in the mind [of God]. -Philip K. Dick plus links on med.phil
@JoeySavitz @davidbmetcalfe Christians will love it! After all, Philip K. Dick discovers Christian Platonism in there. Never mind the
RT @JoeySavitz: @davidbmetcalfe @t3dy Walmart is selling the Exegesis. Barnes & Noble is pushing it at discount as a seasonal gift-book....
Philip K. Dick's "Bible as Information/World as Information" experience confirms Spinoza
Kripal on writing and reading as the privileged modes of mystical life for Philip K. Dick
Kripal: There is no way to overestimate or repeat enough this fact: for Dick, writing+reading are the privileged modes of the mystical life.
RT @erik_davis: Mr. Hand is sure enjoying the Exegesis!! Nice to see...RT @t3dy: Kabbalistic Philip K. Dick
"Autonomy. Inner-directed. Totally. Religious anarchists. Self-regulating because in inward direct touch with God." -Philip K. Dick E[83:30]
RT @davidbmetcalfe: @cultauthor good point re: filter - there is obviously a lot of scholarship influencing his interpretation of his ex ...
RT @cultauthor: @davidbmetcalfe @t3dy Let's not forget at times, PKD thought VALIS was a supercomputer from future in orbit.
Philip K. Dick wrote about two million words in his Exegesis. Compare Plato who wrote .5 million Aristotle 1 Aquinas 10
thanks to @cultauthor and @davidbmetcalfe for injecting some much-needed ufology into my reflections on PKD theories
RT @6__d: Major Arcana of the Philip K. Dick Tarot @t3dy
Philip K. Dick found confirmation of his experiences/theories in "the visions of every Pythagorean in history"
blogger reading later stuff in the PKD Exegesis (much of this material I've barely skimmed so far--there is so much!)
Doug Mackey reviews Philip K. Dick's Ganymede Takeover
@erik_davis PKD's a lovely example of how one need not get stuck in texts, but use them to think. Kripal: Reading+writing=his mystical life.
@erik_davis Yeah the summary format of the Encyclopedia was perfect. Gave him general gist but didn't tie down w/ constraints of the details
RT @erik_davis: @t3dy What's weird is how the Encyclopedia sources actually let PKD roam with creativity as well as knowledge, so he ca ...
@cultauthor @davidbmetcalfe Dick's method was to take whatever weird idea then ruthlessly twist+rotate it in order to make it fit his theory
How Big is Philip K. Dick's Exegesis? Jay Kinney estimated 2 million words. Editors say about 8,000 pages. We have 10%.
@cultauthor @davidbmetcalfe The distortion is necessary since he's appropriating stuff for his own purposes, reinterpreting/plugging into...
Adding more sidebar links to readings on -- plz let me know if there are any good articles on PKD+Religion I'm missing
@davidbmetcalfe @cultauthor Reading PKD's ASCs/gnosticism/UFOlogy is very difficult not only bc of his sources but also his phildickian lens
Audio Recording of "Stairway to Eleusis"(talk by PKD Exegesis Editor Rich Doyle) via David Gill of
RT @cultauthor: @davidbmetcalfe @t3dy I actually got hold of one of PKD's COINTELPRO who opened his mail. It's a shame to have to respec ...
Frank Hollander, a Philip K. Dick completist I greatly admire, put together this Table of Contents for the Exegesis
RT @cultauthor: @davidbmetcalfe @t3dy I love the fact in those days, most entities had to have names like VALIS, SPECTRA or ZEBRA to be ...
RT @davidbmetcalfe: @cultauthor another great point, I was just reading Keel's description of the Black Night in Disneyland of the Gods ...
RT @cultauthor: @davidbmetcalfe @t3dy I also love the way in talking to some friends, PKD equated VALIS/ZEBRA with the whole Black Knigh ...
"The truly great writer does not want to write: he wants the world to be a place in which he can live the life of the imagination" H. Miller
"Plotinus’s heirarchy of Being is more famous than his thinking of any unity at all as a kind of profusion." The Cone
The Cone of Plotinus: Ontologies of Profusion and Particularization
Diagramming Plotinus
top ten things I [had been] looking forward to discovering in Philip K. Dick's Exegesis (sadly still ~90% unpublished)
from Philip K. Dick's Exegesis: "I am not the true and actual source of my own fiction...Maybe [John] Denver is right."
"This is not an evil world. . .There is a good world under the evil. The evil somehow superimposed over it. . ." -PKD via @palmer_eldritch
". . .Palmer Eldritch can spin out his hallucinatory world and time for what seems - just seems - forever. . ." -Philip K. Dick via @palmerE
PKD: "My writing is a very unlikely place to expect to encounter the Holy; the Koinos, the Message-processing, Ubik-like ultimate entity."
"In my writing I am a destroyer of worlds, not a generator: I show them as forgeries." -Philip K. Dick
"most severe assault delivered in my work is against materialism as such, in my probing into the illusory nature of apparent reality." -PKD
I had to develop a love of the disordered+puzzling,view reality as vast riddle to be joyfully tackled,not in fear but w/tireless fascination
"THE THREE STIGMATA, if read properly (i.e. reversed) contains many clues as to the nature of God and to our relationship with him." -PKD
Quotes from In Pursuit of VALIS Selections From The Exegesis ( 1991 )
RT @davidbmetcalfe: John Scotus Eriugena in Philip K. Dick's Exegesis via @t3dy
Philip K. Dick gets pretty deep into straight Christian theology for a religious anarchist.
"Miracles act to "prove" a particular revelation. But what do paranormal experiences prove? Well, nothing yet..." Jeffrey Kripal
The Philip K. Dick Punk Rock Connection
Paranormal America Interview with Jeffrey Kripal
"I want this book to challenge the common assumptions people make about profound, life-changing, mind-blowing mystical experiences."
Total Dick-Head: Lost in A Maze of Death (PKD's lesser-known but equally formidable theological novel)
Philip K. Dick on Giordano Bruno, from the Exegesis "Clearly, Bruno is my main man."
Philip K. Dick on Paracelsus: "one man's little mind becomes the magic mirror of the macrocosm."
Leonard Nimoy narrates a tv-reconstruction of the death of Bishop James Pike.(friend of PKD, subject of his last novel)
Philip K Dick Exegesis excerpt on Slate (unfortunately it will be familiar to readers of Sutin's "in pursuit of valis")
Jonathan Lethem on Philip K. Dick's Exegesis (video) "an attempt to understand something"
Simon Critchley on Philip K. Dick's Schopenhaurian side
Neoplatonism "bringing down" Christianity
Kripal explains the argument against viewing PKD as a postmodernist more succinctly than I did recently on FB.
Dennett on Postmodernism and Truth
"no sane philosopher has ever argued..."
Philip K. Dick: Turning Time into Space is What Beethoven Did
Neoplatonism Bringing Down Christianity in a "Dear Claudia" letter by Philip K. Dick
"Schopenhauer in fact advocated overcome a frustration-filled and fundamentally painful human condition."
The Man in the High Kipple #lessinterestingbooks #PKD
Philip K. Dick and Alchemy (corrected, illustrted and updated with a "3-74 as alchemy" quote from the Exegesis)
The Zebra Principle about the Exegesis of Philip K. Dick, and its editors, on Google Books
totally honored to have played a role, however obscure and humble, in this PKD publishing moment. totally high from seeing my name in print.
I finally took a look at the acknowledgements page of the PKD Exegesis and saw that my name is indeed on it. 1st time seeing myself in print
Science Channel will have Philip K. Dick episode of its Prophets of Science Fiction series
What I hope to find in Philip K. Dick's Exegesis
"Language Virus" moment in Philip K. Dick's mainstream novel Humpty Dumpty in Oakland
RT @elizabethkarr: Handy color pdf Radio Free Albemuth Variety Review @RFAmovie #philipkdick #indiefilm #scifi
Major Arcana of the Philip K. Dick Tarot
there's plenty of that in the phildickian occult. RT @theclockworm Gnostic/Dickian ideas sans religion is a special area of interest for me.
An excellent podcast series by David Beardsley covers the history of Platonic Idealism in the West Socrates to T.Taylor
Philip K. Dick's Exegesis comes out Monday. Here are 10 things I'm looking forward to discovering in it #PKD
Grant Morrison on Philip K. Dick and Terence McKenna
Philip K. Dick Exegesis Project (text of Tractates and links)
Christopher Palmer: "Philip meanwhile comes to participate in Fat's obsessions and theorizing habits..."
@xanadu_xero I've done plenty of PKD reading as a mystic "true believer," + as a theorist of myth, but even some as a materialist-realist...
"To fight the Empire is to be infected by its derangement.This is a paradox:whoever defeats a segment of the Empire becomes the Empire;[1/2] proliferates like a virus, imposing its form on its enemies. Thereby it becomes its enemies." -Philip K. Dick, Tractates/Valis [2/2]
Christopher Palmer, Postmodernism and the Birth of the Author in Philip K. Dick's Valis SFS #55, November1991
"The Empire is the institution+codification, of derangement; insane +imposes its insanity on us by violence, bc its nature is a violent one"
"We should be able to hear this information, or rather narrative, as a neutral voice inside us. But something has gone wrong."-Philip K.Dick
"thoughts,,, are experienced by us as arrangements... but in fact it is really information+information-processing which we substantialize."
"We lost ability to read language of Mind at some primordial time; legends of this fall have come down to us in a carefully-edited form."PKD
"The changing information which we experience as world is an unfolding narrative." -Philip K. Dick, Tractates Cryptica Scriptura/VALIS
Philip K. Dick, Tractates Cryptica Scriptura Exegesis excerpts from the appendix to his novel VALIS
"One of the reasons I so identify with the work of PKD is that many of his peak experiences closely mirror my own."
Philip K. Dick and his interpreters on The Black Iron Prison add your own quotes -- "The Empire Never Ended"
Philip K. Dick on Direct Experience of the Divine, vs. Organized Religion "I guess you could call me a neo-platonist"
Philip K. Dick: "There's no way we can fight back, because the language itself works against us... [1/2]
...The very words were manufactured to explain their situation so it looks good,+ours so it looks bad." -PKD, Humpty Dumpty in Oakland [2/2]
PKD mini-bio and links
Philip K. Dick Words project -- hypertexting the dear claudia letters
"Nam-Shub versus the Big Other: Revising the. Language that Binds Us in Philip K. Dick, Neal. Stephenson, Samuel R. Delany, and Chuck ..."
"Didn't that early guy, Carl Jung—didn't he manage to decode the schizophrenic's language years ago?” -Philip K. Dick, Martian Time-Slip
"If the world of written SF were ever to be translated into the language of visual art, PKD would be Salvador Dali."
"Dick's novel tells us our real world is made of words; that words are necessary to give sense to it. Words have a strange substantiality"UR
Philip K. Dick on having second thoughts about including religion in his Science Fiction
RT @rfamovie: Asteroid or Valis?....
"Thinness" of a Philip K. Dick novel reframed by him as "a petering out of the reality of the book"
RT @cratylus: @t3dy PKD seems ike a nerd theologian to me too - theology as hobby; something to in the shed of one's head.
"Each movie is an intriguing attempt to translate into cinematic language Dick's ... paranoia about the stability of human identity." FutImp
@cratylus The sensibility in PKD is a very important part of the appeal+methodology that gets lost in these all pomo/SF/exiztnz-discussions.
RT @cratylus: @t3dy great in tne small - which links back to mysticism ;) I've always loved PKD 's sensibity - a bit like an american jo
@cratylus Work is definitely a blue-collar human activity in PKD, rather than some theoretical ideal.
@cratylus On one level, PKD should be seen as building theologies in his basement like others might a boat. But they're still *theologies*
@cratylus But I think McKee is correct to argue that theology meant more to PKD than a mere hobby-though he's certainly a hobbyist about it!
Philip K. Dick on Religion in his Letters: mid 70s late 70s early 80s
RT @palmer_eldritch: DailyDick-'These are the things that break a human heart. But back to the novel.' #PKD #NaNoWriMo
"My books are forgeries. Nobody wrote them." -Philip K. Dick, Exegesis (quoted in Umland, p.19)
"no matter how many times Dick unmasks or destroys the Black Iron Prison of American suburban life, he always returns to it."Jonathan Lethem
"Dick is our poet of the simulacrum"
Frank Bertrand reviews Claudia Bush's MA thesis on Philip K. Dick
"[Philip K.] Dick is our poet of the simulacrum" fusing of book and reality in his last novel
Philip K. Dick on God+infinity- 'Every thought leads to infinity, does it not? Find one that doesn’t.' I tried forever.
the fusing of book and reality in Philip K. Dick's last novel
The Black Iron Prison of Philip K. Dick excerpts from PKD novels and scholarship
TDH in an absolute coup interviews Philip K. Dick's editor
Phildickian Discordianism: "For me, the BiP and the Curse of Greyface are very similar..." cc @eglinski
Philip K. Dick: The Other Side Paul Rydeen a neo-gnostic take
@erik_davis From somebody who understands how difficult the thing is to read, let alone edit or criticize, thank you hugely for your efforts
RT @erik_davis: PKD's Exegesis is just out, and looks beautiful. I have to say I am proud to have been involved in editing it, however m ...
more on the PKD estate lawsuit over The Adjustment Bureau
Philip K. Dick covers illustrating religious themes
Philip K. Dick on Spinoza and Kabbalah
Philip K. Dick's notion of "The Dark Counterplayer"
Philip K. Dick was a big fan of Godel, Escher, Bach, which he felt explained his "puzzle stories" in a way he couldn't.
Rossi vs. McKee on Philip K. Dick and Christianity
Philip K. Dick on Religion, Science, and Belief from the Selected Letters 1980-1982
PKD: "God manifested himself to me as the infinite void; but it was not the abyss; it was the vault of heaven..."
Philip K. Dick and the alchemy of information
Finally, my Philip K. Dick+Religion blog saw some action. Gabriel McKee defends himself vs. Umberto Rossi's criticism
Philip K. Dick on how to use prayer and the "AI Voice" to pas a physics test
Angel Archer on the fusing of book and reality in Philip K. Dick's Transmigration of Timothy Archer
Six new Philip K. Dick audiobooks glad to see Now Wait for Last Year
Synopsis of Philip K. Dick's "Eye in the Sky" on Islam and Science Fiction blog #PKD
RT @robertshutter: RT @LynneRice RT @elizabethkarr: Raves from Philip K. Dick scholar for @RFAmovie: via @t3dy #sci ...
Philip K. Dick's theory of three-level mind (the human, the robot, and the computerized god?) based on Dante
Philip K. Dick on "spurious realities"
Philip K. Dick on Language Virus theory of William Burroughs
Philip K. Dick book cover art illustrating religious themes Essential books for the study of PKD
Got a comment from Gabriel McKee, one of the top five scholars working on Dick's religious experiences (+ see my reply)
anagrams for Philip Kindred Dick -- Delphic Pink did Irk (visions) / Dipped Child in Kirk(he secretly baptized his son)
Philip K. Dick on God's Infinite Game
"He brought colour, shape, awareness to the void..." Philip K. Dick, Humpty Dumpty in Oakland
"I see Hume's point. It was all just talk. The solemn philosophers weren't taking what they said seriously." -Philip K. Dick
"The two basic topics which fascinate me are "What is reality?" and "What constitutes the authentic human being?" -Philip K. Dick
review of Humpty Dumpty in Oakland, by Philip K. Dick (spoiler warning)
"God said 'Here is infinity. Here, then, I am.' I tried for an infinite number of times; each time an infinite regress was set off... [1/2]
God said, 'Infinity. Hence I am here.' Then he said, 'Every thought leads to infinity, does it not? Find one that doesn’t.' I tried forever"
Philip K. Dick on Dante's Three-Level Cosmos Tripledome theory
RT @erik_davis: @ToddGailun Nah, I dont think PKD met too many tech visionary types. He loved Captain Crunch tho!
@palmer_eldritch of course, Hollywood can graft just about anything onto a PKD story if history is any guide, they'd Heinlein RFA up good.
Mystic PKD covers PKD on religion/science/belief is PKD undermining ontology?
PKD: "He brought colour, shape, awareness to the void...and took his seventh day -- a cup of coffee."
RT @palmer_eldritch: DailyDick-'I watch these show people come up; they got no talent. That the truth. What they got is personality.' ht ...
Tweeted Review of Radio Free Albemuth, the first movie to get Philip K. Dick really right. cc @rfamovie
"religious" Philip K. Dick covers PKD+Kabbalah PKD on Godel, Escher, Bach
“…today we live in a society in which spurious realities are manufactured by the media, by governments, by big corporations" -Philip K. Dick
RT @otaviocarvalho: ¨Activity does not necessarily mean life. Quasars are active. And a monk meditating is not inanimate.¨ Philip K. Dick
RT @openculture: Stories by Ernest Hemingway, Philip K. Dick, Italo Calvino added to Free Audio Books collection:
RT @TOMolefe: I've got so much of love for this: Phillip K. Dick, a fictionalising philosopher (via someone)
RT @DennyCoates: "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." - Philip K. Dick
Philip K. Dick book covers illustrating religious themes
Philip K. Dick was notoriously fun to hang out with, unless you wanted to be romantically involved with him.
"Even [Philip Dick's] 2-3-74 experience... [has a] strong political component that cannot be totally obliterated by any ecstatic mysticism."
"...are not Dick’s theological speculations a reflection on a fallen condition that is also a political condition?" reviewer on GM "defect"
"The Black Iron Prison, the Demiurge, Satan, if you prefer, are ways to reflect theologically on a personal crisis" SFS reviewer on McKee
McKee: "PKD never rejected religious interpretations of his writing+thought such interpretations more valuable than more secular analyses."
McKee's book is "useful for literary critics because it is full of interesting suggestions about Dick’s less obvious sources [lit/phil/rel]"
"something is constant in Dick’s endlessly shifting theological interrogations, and that is the basic idea of the unreality of the cosmos"
Gabriel McKee: “it is problematic and inaccurate to attempt to find one category that can describe the entire breadth of Dick’s metaphysics”
I do very much agree with McKee that Dick’s writings “blend religion and sf in a truly
original way” (ix)
SF Studies review of Gabriel McKee's book on Philip K. Dick's theology "Pink Beams of Light from the God in the Gutter"
Spinoza aimed to surrender freedom of action if it clashed with the interests of the state, but desired full freedom of thought+expression."
Gabriel McKee on Philip K. Dick's "theophanies" and theories "It’s difficult, if not impossible, to categorize [them]."
McKee, Rossi, Davis, PKD as postmodernist critics wrongly emphasize the uncertainty in Philip K Dick's engagement with ontology/epistemology
"Dick’s stories serve to undermine the readers’ faith in ontology—he is poking the universe with a pin to see if it pops." -Gabriel McKee
RT @frqncs: @t3dy PKD as theologian:
"We fell because of an intellectual, not a moral error." -Philip K. Dick
RT @elizabethkarr: Radio Free Albemuth review from #renosf #indiefilm @RFAmovie via @t3dy
"God has eaten Man"
Philip K. Dick being interviewed in a spinning teapot at Disneyland: via @avisolo
"Man has not eaten God; God has eaten man." -Philip K. Dick, The Man in the High Castle (1962)
RT @palmer_eldritch: DailyDick-'If they had won, all they'd have thought about was making more money, that upper class.' ...
Philip K. Dick on Religion, Science, and Belief in Voices from the Street
"This country is evil. We're big and rich and full of pride. We waste and we spend and we don't care about the rest of the world." -PKD,VFTS
RT @palmer_eldritch: DailyDick-'They should give time for the depression to come in between, so people are glad to go off and fight.' ht...
big collection of PKD tweets (needs to be updated with the last few months' worth)
bunch old notes for future PKD and Religion posts
Teddy, that is SICK (in all connotations of the term!!)
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